Yahaal App

Data Privacy

How Yahaal Ensures Secure Management of Driver Accounts

In the bustling world of e-commerce, trust and privacy are foundational pillars of customer confidence. At Yahaal, we recognize the paramount importance of safeguarding personal information, not only for our customers but also for our dedicated team of drivers who play a crucial role in our operations. As a driver-centric e-commerce company, we are committed to transparent data handling practices and empowering our drivers with control over their accounts.

Driver Account Management at Yahaal:

It’s essential to clarify that the creation and deletion of driver accounts at Yahaal are not managed through our driver app. Instead, they are meticulously handled by our administrative team via the Yahaal admin portal. When a driver joins our team, an account is created by our admin to facilitate seamless integration into our operations. Similarly, when a driver resigns, our operations team initiates the account deletion process to ensure smooth offboarding.

Requesting Account Deletion:

While our operations team diligently manages account creation and deletion processes, we understand that drivers may occasionally wish to request the deletion of their accounts independently. Whether it’s due to personal reasons or a desire to exercise greater control over their data, we respect our drivers’ autonomy in making such decisions. To request the deletion of a driver account, individuals can simply reach out to our support team at support@yahaal.com. Our dedicated support staff will promptly assist in processing the request and ensuring that all relevant data is securely removed from our systems.

Data Handling and Retention:

Upon receiving a request for account deletion, Yahaal takes immediate action to remove all associated data from our databases. This includes personal information provided during account creation, such as name, contact details, and any other relevant details. Additionally, any usage history or preferences associated with the driver account are securely erased to uphold privacy standards.

While we strive to complete the deletion process promptly, it’s essential to note that certain data may remain in our backups for a limited period due to routine data retention practices. However, rest assured that this data is strictly maintained for backup purposes and is inaccessible for any operational or analytical use.

Our Commitment to Privacy:

At Yahaal, data privacy is not just a legal obligation—it’s a fundamental aspect of our company ethos. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of data security and transparency in all aspects of our operations. Whether it’s managing customer data or ensuring the privacy of our drivers, we prioritize trust and integrity above all else.

In conclusion, Yahaal remains steadfast in its commitment to data privacy and security. Our transparent approach to driver account management and deletion processes reflects our dedication to empowering our drivers and respecting their privacy rights. If you’re a Yahaal driver considering account deletion, rest assured that we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for being a valued member of the Yahaal community.

Warm regards,

The Yahaal Team